Lawson & Waller's Score Test

  • spatial
  • focused
  • region-based
  • Indications/Recommendations for use: Detects a decreasing trend in disease frequency associated with declining exposure to a point-focus.
    Description: At each region, the difference between observed case counts and those expected under a Poisson distribution with a common rate is weighted by the degree of exposure to the focus.
    Test statistic: Expectation of the test statistic is zero under the Null Hypothesis.
    Null Hypothesis: The observed number of cases in each region are independent, Poisson random variables with a common rate. Ho:
    Alternative Hypothesis: The observed number of cases in each region are independent, Poisson random variables where the rate is a proportionally increasing function of exposure. Ha:
    GeoMed Inputs: Region-level data with a centroid coordinate, case counts, and population-at-risk per region; point-focus coordinate.
    GeoMed Outputs: Test statistic and p-value.
    Example Analysis Reference:

    Lawson, A.B. 1989. Score tests for detection of spatial trend in morbidity data, Dundee Institute of Technology: Dundee.

    Waller, L.A., et. al. 1992. Chronic disease surveillance and testing of clustering of disease and exposure: Applicaiton to leukemia incidence and TCE-contaminated dumpsites in upstate New York, Envirometrics, 3(3):281-300.

    Website maintained by Andy Long. Comments appreciated.