Bithell's Linear Risk Score Test

  • spatial
  • focused
  • region-based
  • Indications/Recommendations for use: Detects excess risk near a point source. A relative risk function specifies a pattern of risk corresponding to the alternative hypothesis under consideration.
    Description: Each case is assigned a risk score given by the logarithm of the relative risk for their region. (More)
    Test statistic: The sum of the risk scores provides the test statistic.
    Null Hypothesis:
      The case counts in the regions are independently, Poisson distributed with means equal to the appropriate region-specific relative risk multiplied by the regional expected case counts.
    Ho: The parameters in the functions below are such that the RRF=1.
    Alternative Hypothesis: Each case is assigned a risk score given by the logarithm of the relative risk function for their region. GeoMed supports four relative risk functions at right.
    Ha: RRF is
    GeoMed Inputs: Region-level data with centroid coordinate, case counts, and population-at-risk per region; point-focus coordinate.
    GeoMed Outputs: Test statistic and p-value; 2-D plot of smooth relative risk function and observed, region-specific relative risks.
    Example Analysis Reference: Bithell, J.F. 1995. The choice of test for detecting raised disease risk near a point source. Stat Med, 14:2309-2322.

    Website maintained by Andy Long. Comments appreciated.