Local Moran

  • spatial
  • local
  • region-based
  • Indications/Recommendations for use: Can be used to investigate local spatial clusters and as a diagnostic for outliers with respect to the measure of global association (local instability).
    Description: The Local Moran value for each observation gives an indication of the extent of significant spatial clustering of similar values around that observation.
    Test statistic: The Local Moran area statistics decompose Moran's I into contributions for each location. These local statistics are used to identify regions that differ significantly from those expected under the null hypothesis.
    Null Hypothesis: There is no association between the value observed at a location and the values observed at nearby sites. Ho:
    Alternative Hypothesis: When values, such as disease rates, cluster, nearby sites are similar Ha:
    GeoMed Inputs: Region-specific disease frequency, spatial contiguity matrix (can be generated from ArcView boundary file)
    GeoMed Outputs: Tabled information for outliers based on the distribution of the observed local statistic or the distribution of values generated from Monte Carlo simulations; choropleth map for disease frequency and Local Moran values
    Example Analysis Reference: Anselin, L. Local indicators of spatial association-LISA, 1995. Geographical Analysis, 27:93-115.

    Website maintained by Andy Long. Comments appreciated.