Shapes, Areas, Volumes

Often the most interesting and useful applications of mathematics involve shapes: geometrical figures of great importance, like circles, squares, cylinders, pentagons, parabolas, etc.

These special shapes often make for the very best ("optimal") solution to a problem. For example, did you know that the circle has the most area for a given perimeter? So if you want to build a free-standing pen for your dog, the best shape to use with a given amount of material is a circular pen. This is also the reason why soap bubbles are round (spheres): the sphere contains the greatest volume for a given surface area.

  1. Arborloo shapes: rings and circles
  2. Nursery shapes - cylinders and areas
    1. Archimedes
    2. Slicing and dicing for area
    3. Slicing and dicing for volumes
    4. Cistern volumes
    5. Useful Aside: Gauss and the sum of the first 100 counting numbers
  3. Math in the coffee
  1. Arborloo shapes: rings and "punctured" circles

    Arborloos are toilets that make trees: Arborloos toilets (as we made them) require the use of three special shapes:

    This is how arborloo construction works:

    Activities/Questions/For Discussion:

    1. Our mason uses a pair of nails and a string to make a circle in the dirt -- do you know how? Try it (who doesn't like playing in the dirt?): get two nails (or suitable replacements) and a string, and draw some circles of different sizes.
      • How nice are your circles?
      • What problems do you discover?
      • Can you suggest small improvements on the technique?
      • Any big improvements? Especially if you have to draw the same circle over and over?

    2. We wanted to use a single sack of cement for both the ring and the loo. That wouldn't pose any problem, of course: we'd just mix up the concrete using the sack of cement, and divide it into two piles: one for the loo, and the other for the ring. We wanted to use half the concrete for the loo, and half for the ring. We chose a loo of radius one meter (large enough for a person to comfortably use), and we required that the ring and loo be of equal thickness (a thickness that we chose so that they're each strong enough to resist breaking).
      Problem: In the picture above, did we choose the radii of the ring (the two radiuses, inner and outer) so that the ring will have the same volume of concrete as the loo?
      1. The two objects have the same thickness: if they have equal volumes, what is the relationship between their areas?
      2. You might know formulas for the area of a circle or a ring. Even so, the dam in the center of the ring will give you problems.

      Possible solution strategies
      1. "Throwing darts" with rice! (probability)
      2. Print out the picture, and paste it to a piece of cardboard. Cut out each shape, and weigh them with a small scale (like a postage scale). Here you use the strategy of Hint 1 in reverse!

    3. The methods of Activity 2 can be used to solve other interesting problems. Google Earth is an application that allows one to visualize and investigate positions on planet Earth. It provides satallite images of the Earth at different scales. Images are often so good that one can see cars, people, trees, etc. For example, here's a photo of the CFI campus in Ranquitte, Haiti. So if we're wondering the percentage tree cover a particular area has, we could take a satellite photo of the area from Google Earth, and drop rice onto it, or we could cut out the trees from the picture and weigh the respective pieces.

      However, the use of grid-lines in GoogleEarth suggests an alternative approach: Using only whole "squares" (the squares aren't perfectly square, but you get the idea), categorize the 10x13=130 squares as the closest of 0, 25, 50, 75, and 100 percent, then take the weighted average: the number of each type of square times its percentage, and add them up and divide by 130. This will give you the approximate tree cover for this block of Ranquitte. You can use this table for your calculations.

      Is there anything special about my choice of "cut-offs" (0, 25, 50, 75, and 100)? NO! They're just convenient numbers, and we hope that you can distinguish between "quarters": one quarter covered, on half covered, three quarters covered, etc.

    4. Here's a different style of arborloo, using wood rather than cement (and a wooden "box toilet" in the bottom right corner of the photo). One thing we should learn early in life is that there's never just one way to do a thing: the trick is to find the best way! In mathematics, that's called optimization -- finding the optimal solution.

      How would you build a loo?

  2. Nursery shapes - cylinders and areas

    1. Archimedes was an astonishing ancient: living at approximately 270 BC, Archimedes is famous as the man who nearly single-handedly fought off a Roman Army during the seige of Syracuse. By his wisdom, by his clever mechanical devices, he defended his city. The king prevailed upon him to save the city, and he succeeded for quite a while. Eventually, Archimedes's devices were not enough, and the Romans invaded the city. As Archimedes drew in the sand, Roman soldiers stepped on his drawings. Unable to hold his tongue, he scolded them, and one of the soldiers ran him through with his sword.

      At least that's the story I was told when I was young. It's very romantic, isn't it? Which means that it's authenticity is almost certainly in doubt!

      Even so, I have always believed that the author of the Biblical book of Ecclesiastes (traditionally thought to be Solomon) referred to Archimedes in the following verses (quoted from the King James Version of the Bible -- chapter 9, verses 14-15):

      14 There was a little city, and few men within it; and there came
         a great king against it, and besieged it, and built great
         bulwarks against it:
      15 Now there was found in it a poor wise man, and he by his
         wisdom delivered the city; yet no man remembered that same
         poor man.
      We remember you, Archimedes! There is more about Archimedes in these units. He was far ahead of the people of his time, a sort of Leonardo de Vinci of the ancient world.

    2. Slicing and dicing for area

      So what does Archimedes have to do with our nursery?

    3. Slicing and dicing for volumes

    4. Cistern volumes

      When we built a cistern for the nursery that went on campus, we wanted to assure that the cistern would hold 600 gallons of water. As cisterns go, that is relatively small.

    5. Gauss and the sum of the first 100 counting numbers

      Here's another great story that I was told: When Carl Friedrich Gauss was just a little boy, smaller than his name, he was a precocious student -- which some teachers consider as "troublesome": he was just too smart for his own good! One day, the teacher, exasperated by the talented student, decided to give him some "make work": "Add the counting numbers up to 100, and come back when you have the answer." Gauss took a few steps back towards his seat, spun around, and walked back to his teacher's desk: "5050".

      The teacher, who'd hoped that this might entertain Carl for awhile, thought that perhaps the boy was wrong -- so he tediously and methodically added the numbers, and discovered that the result was -- 5050! How did Carl do it? Perhaps he explained to his teacher that he'd simply added up pairs of number: 100+1, 99+2, 98+3, ..., 51+50. He now had a sum of 101*50, or 5050: we don't know how he did it!

      But to the credit of his teacher, rather than beating the boy (which some teachers might have done, out of frustration), he said "We've got to get you some professional help." And Gauss was guided to even better teachers, who could take him further along the road to his glory. He was nicknamed "Prince of Mathematicians" by E. T. Bell, biographer of mathematicians, in his book "Men of Mathematics".

  3. Math in the coffee

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