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Basic Use of the Model Objects

Three functions are available for constructing generalized linear model objects. These functions are called as (poissonreg-model x y [ keyword arguments ... ])
(binomialreg-model x y n [ keyword arguments ... ])
(gammareg-model x y keyword arguments ... )

The x and y arguments are as for the ="2D regression-model=-1 function. The sample size parameter n for binomial models can be either an integer or a sequence of integers the same length as the response vector. All optional keyword arguments accepted by the ="2D regression-model=-1 function are accepted by these functions as well. Four additional keywords are available: ="2D :link=-1 , ="2D :offset=-1 , ="2D :verbose=-1 , and ="2D :pweights=-1 . The keyword ="2D :link=-1 can be used to specify an alternate link structure. Available link structures include

By default, each model uses its canonical link structure. The ="2D :offset=-1 keyword can be used to provide an offset value, and the keyword ="2D :verbose=-1 can be given the value ="2D nil=-1 to suppress printing of iteration information. A prior weight vector should be specified with the ="2D :pweights=-1 keyword rather than the ="2D :weights=-1 keyword.

As an example, we can examine a data set that records the number of months prior to an interview when individuals remember a stressful event (originally from Haberman, [ 2 , p. 2,]):

> (def months-before (iseq 1 18))
> (def event-counts '(15 11 14 17 5 11 10 4 8 10 7 9 11 3 6 1 1 4))

The data are multinomial, and we can fit a log-linear Poisson model to see if there is any time trend:
> (def m (poissonreg-model months-before event-counts))
Iteration 1: deviance = 26.3164
Iteration 2: deviance = 24.5804
Iteration 3: deviance = 24.5704
Iteration 4: deviance = 24.5704

Weighted Least Squares Estimates:

Constant                  2.80316   (0.148162)
Variable 0             -0.0837691   (0.0167996)

Scale taken as:                 1
Deviance:                 24.5704
Number of cases:               18
Degrees of freedom:            16

Residuals for the fit can be obtained using the ="2D :residuals=-1 message:

> (send m :residuals)
(-0.0439191 -0.790305 ...)

A residual plot can be obtained using
(send m :plot-residuals)

The ="2D :fit-values=-1 message returns , the linear predictor without any offset. The ="2D :fit-means=-1 message returns fitted mean response values. Thus the expression
(let ((p (plot-points months-before event-counts)))
  (send p :add-lines months-before (send m :fit-means)))

constructs a plot of raw counts and fitted means against time.

To illustrate fitting binomial models, we can use the leukemia survival data of Feigl and Zelen [ 4 , Section 2.8.3,] with the survival time converted to a one-year survival indicator:

> (def surv-1 (if-else (> times-pos 52) 1 0))
> surv-1
(1 1 1 1 0 1 1 0 0 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 1)

The dependent variable is the base 10 logarithm of the white blood cell counts divided by 10,000:
> transformed-wbc-pos
(-1.46968 -2.59027 -0.84397 -1.34707 -0.510826 0.0487902 0 0.530628 -0.616186
 -0.356675 -0.0618754 1.16315 1.25276 2.30259 2.30259 1.64866 2.30259)

A binomial model for these data can be constructed by
> (def lk (binomialreg-model transformed-wbc-pos surv-1 1))
Iteration 1: deviance = 18.2935
Iteration 2: deviance = 18.0789
Iteration 3: deviance = 18.0761
Iteration 4: deviance = 18.0761

Weighted Least Squares Estimates:

Constant                 0.372897   (0.590934)
Variable 0              -0.985803   (0.508426)

Scale taken as:                 1
Deviance:                 18.0761
Number of cases:               17
Degrees of freedom:            15

This model uses the logit link, the canonical link for the binomial distribution. As an alternative, the expression
(binomialreg-model transformed-wbc-pos surv-1 1 :link probit-link)

returns a model using a probit link.

The ="2D :cooks-distances=-1 message helps to highlight the last observation for possible further examination:

> (send lk :cooks-distances)
(0.0142046 0.00403243 0.021907 0.0157153 0.149394 0.0359723 0.0346383
 0.0450994 0.174799 0.0279114 0.0331333 0.0347883 0.033664 0.0170441 
 0.0170441 0.0280411 0.757332)

This observation also stands out in the plot produced by
(send lk :plot-bayes-residuals)

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Anthony Rossini
Fri Oct 20 08:28:51 EDT 1995