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Coop Syllabus:

Coop Step-by Step Guide

Coop Basics

Using Current Job for Coop Credit:
A special Job Approval form needs to be downloaded from the Coop Web Site (using Blackboard) in order to use an existing job for Coop credits. This Job Approval form needs to be brought to my office (GH 430) for my signature. This will only start the process, you still need to print  three Learning Objective Forms from the Coop office web site and fill them out together with your supervisor at work and bring them to my office for my signature. Directions to use Blackboard to get Job Approval form.

Click for job approval form example

Learning Objectives Form:
Navigate to Coop Office Blackboard site using the following Directions link  to print 3 copies of the Learning Objectives Form. One copy goes to the Coop office, one copy is for my records, and the one copy is yours to keep. Working together with your supervisor at work list three objectives that you hope to accomplish during the current coop session. Try to relate your 3 learning objectives with the 5 BIS Learning Goals. Bring the completed forms to my office for my approval and signature.  If it is impossible for you to come to my office during office hours slip your Learning Objective Forms and Work Schedule Form under my office door (GH 430) and I will send the copy of the Learning Objective Form to the Coop Office for you after signing it. Remember to keep your copy of the Learning Objective Form. 

Click for Learning Objectives form download

Work Schedule Form or Student Agreement Form:
Fill out the Work Schedule form from the Coop Office web site. List the days and times you are scheduled to work. Include all the necessary phone numbers and phone extensions and email address. Please make your directions as clear as possible listing any landmarks and number of traffic lights. List any special parking regulations and security measures that must be taken to enter the premises. List the floor of the building where you work and where the elevators are located. Directions to use Blackboard to get necessary forms form. Student Agreement Form Download

Click for work schedule card download

Registration Online for Coop:
The registration form from the Coop Office has been replaced with an online registration process on their web site. Directions


On-Site Visit:
About mid-semester I will use your Work Schedule form to schedule a visit with you on the job. If possible I would like a short visit (5-10 minutes) with your supervisor. This is a very informal look at what you are doing on the job there is no set agenda, have ready any samples of the work that you have been performing. You could show me the current Log Journal Entries collected to date as a record of the tasks accomplished so far. If this is my first time to visit the company sometimes I am given a tour to get a better idea of how the company works.

Log Journal Entries:
Every two weeks write a short paragraph using a word processing program summarizing the tasks performed in the last two weeks. Don't repeat things mentioned in previous log entries, I want you to list new and different or unusual tasks so that I can see that you are growing in the position. Try to always have a position attitude, you are a representative of the university, other students from NKU may follow in your footsteps, first impressions are important.  Always look for new learning opportunities to expand your experience and knowledge to get the most out of your coop experience. I will be looking for this knowledge, growth, and initiative, to be reflected in your log entries. Feel free to express your feelings about the different work environment situations. Don't keep handwritten logs in a notebook all logs must be typed and summarized!   The log is to be kept until the end of the coop session to be used as a reference for the Final Paper. Click the Important Dates link listed below to see when the Log Journal is due.

Final Paper: Guidelines
 The paper should be typed and three to four pages long, it can be longer if necessary up to six pages in length. Be sure to include all the topics that need to be covered as outlined in the materials from the Coop Office. This paper is suppose to follow a certain format as outlined by the Coop Office literature, make sure that you follow the guidelines! To insure that your paper includes all the key ingredients click on the following link to get a shell Word document of all the topics needed, use this as a starting point  for your paper it will save you some typing. Shell Final Paper Word Document The Final paper is due at the end of the coop session together with the Log Journal Entries. Click the Important Dates link listed below to see when the report is due.

Important Dates:  

Downloadable Forms: Click and save them on Desktop, Print as needed
Coop Learning Objectives Form Coop Work Schedule Form
Student Agreement Form Performance appraisal Form
BIS Learning Goals Online Registration Directions

 All people who are going to coop during the current semester need to click the Coop Survey link listed below.
Note:  This survey information does not substitute for the formal paperwork required for the course.