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13. Using Tables for Layouts

The most frequent use for tables is to control the overall layout of a page. Table cells can include text and graphics arranged in a variety of formats to present visual variety to the user. An example of such use is shown in Figure 13-1, a screen capture of Netscape Communications' home page. Here, tables are used to design a columnar form within which the page elements appear. The gold borders were added to help visualize the overall structure of the layout and its components. Let's try to recreate this screen on the basis of the HTML code already introduced.

Figure 13-1. Netscape Communications home page.

Starting at the top...
The first two items on the page are graphic images--a welcome banner followed by an image map with clickable regions linked to different pages at the site. This example doesn't try to recreate the image map, but just to display the image.Following this, also centered, is a headline in bold font with initial capital letters in a font size slightly larger than the other text. Therefore, the HTML code includes <IMG> tags to display the two graphics, along with <FONT> tags to increase the size of the initial letters of the headline, all centered on the page.

<IMG SRC="home_igloo.jpg" WIDTH=468 HEIGHT=107><BR>
<IMG SRC="nav_home.gif" WIDTH=468 HEIGHT=25>

This is the result of the code...