Extra Credit Assignment 1

 (Change DragIcon when over target to give user visual feedback) (5pts.)

  1. Add two image controls on the form name the controls imgDrag and imgDrop, set Visible property to False for both images.
  2. Set the Picture property for imgDrag to Drag1pg.ico and imgDrop to Drop1pg.ico from DragDrop folder listed on the Hints web page.
  3. In the DragOver event of the two lists add code to set the DragIcon property of the textbox to the Picture property of imgDrop.
  4. In the DragDrop event of the two lists add code to set the DragIcon property of the textbox to the Picture property of imgDrag after the player name has been dropped into one of the two list boxes to restore the original dragicon.
  5. Use the Run Program! command button on the sample outputs web page to see how the program and DragIcons are supposed to work.
  6. To get credit for your extra credit work you must underline or highlight the properties and code involved and put the letters EC to the right side of your work !

 | Assignments |  Hints | Outputs | Requirements |