Hints: Program 5
  1. P.S. do not make the two lists a control array!
  2. Center the form on the desktop by using the code statements shown in the chapter.
  3. Use the Drag1pg.ico as DragIcon for the top text box. The icon is located using the following path (C:\Program Files\Microsoft Visual Studio\Common\Graphics\Icons\Dragdrop) (Set the Icon property of the form to Drag1pg.ico at design time. Use a code statement in the Form_Load event to assign the DragIcon property of the top text box to the Icon property of the form.)
  4. Use an If statement in the DragDrop event of the team list boxes to prevent a blank name being dragged onto a list. Use a MsgBox function to inform the user to enter a player name in the text box before dragging it onto a team.
  5. Use the ToolTipText property on the top text box to give the users directions on how to drag and drop the names onto the two volleyball lists. The text for ToolTip is "Drag and Drop New Player Text to Team1 or Team2".
  6. Important: Remember to name the control being dragged Source in your code!

Code for the Additem method for list boxes:

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