Extra Credit: Program 1
  1. Make the program so that the Calculate command button can be activated by pressing the Enter key.
  2. Make the program so that the Calculate command button can be activated by pressing the Alt-C keys.
  3. Put ToolTip text on the Calculate command button to tell what it is used for. You can find this property in the property window.
  4. Add a Quit command button to the form. Make the program so that this command button can be activated by pressing the Alt-Q keys or the Esc key. To make the Esc key work set the Cancel property to true in the property window. The code for the Quit Command button is one line, "Unload Me", this will unload the form and stop the program.
  5. Use the Format$ function to format your answer to two decimal places. See the notes in Chapter 2 on the Format$ function or click on the live links found on this page to get Microsoft's explanation of the Format$ function.
  6. Rename all the controls in your project using the prefixes outlined in Chapter 2.
  7. Put the following code into the GotFocus and LostFocus event of each of the three Input TextBoxes. Remember to change the control name from Text1 to Text2 and Text3 in the code for the 2nd and 3rd textboxes.
    GotFocus code for Text1:
    Text1.ForeColor = vbRed 'set Text to Red
    Text1.FontBold = True 'Boldface
    Text1.BackColor = vbYellow 'set TextBox to Yellow
    LostFocus code for Text1:
    Text1.ForeColor = vbBlack 'set Text to Black
    Text1.FontBold = False 'not bold
    Text1.BackColor = vbWhite 'set TextBox to White
  8. To get credit for your extra credit work you must underline or highlight the properties and code involved and put the letters EC to the right side of your work !

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