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Project 3

Creating a
Resume Using a Wizard and a Cover Letter with a Table

Using Wizards and Templates to Create a Document

Note: Some wizards and templates are installed with Word; others are on Microsoft’s Web page for you to download.

Word’s Wizards

Two View Modes

Note: can type and edit text in both views

Tables in Word

4 Basic Styles in Word

  1. paragraph styles -  affect paragraph formatting, followed by proofreader’s paragraph mark)
  2. character styles -  affect character formatting, followed by a bold underlined letter a (a)
  3. list styles -  affect  alignment, and fonts in numbered and bulleted lists, followed by a bulleted list icon 
  4. table styles -  affect borders, shading, alignment, and fonts in Word table, followed by a table icon

Line Break

AutoFormat As You Type

(TABLE 3-1 WD3.23)

Setting Tab Stops Using the Tabs Dialog Box

Note: Word stores tab settings in paragraph mark at end of each paragraph, thus custom tab stops carried forward to next paragraph

Collecting and Pasting using Office Clipboard


Components of a Business Letter

Using the TAB Key

Creating AutoText Entry

Entering a NonBreaking Space

  1. nonbreaking space - CTRL+SHIFT+SPACEBAR

  2. nonbreaking hyphen - CTRL+SHIFT+HYPHEN

Note: When these characters are entered into a document, a formatting mark displays on the screen

Creating Table (Insert Table Button)

Note: The first number in a dimension is the number of rows, and the second number is the number of columns.

Note: Within a Word table, can rearrange rows and columns, change column widths, sort rows and columns, and sum contents of rows and columns

Smart Tags in Word

In the Lab 1 & 2

  • Page WD 199 & 200
  • End Word Project 3

  • Computer Assignment 3

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