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The NKU Master Plan process began in November 2019 and is expected to conclude in November 2020 with adoption by the Board of Regents. The schedule below provides an overview of the planning process, with descriptions of what will occur during each phase of the planning process.
Phase 1 - Observe & Analyze | Space Needs Assessment
An assessment of existing conditions as well as the perspective of stakeholders on NKU's campus needs and opportunities.
Phase 2 - Envision
A synthesis and summary of the findings from Phase 1 and the identification of priorities and principles to inform the coming planning and design efforts.
Phase 3 - Test, Refine, & Recommend
The active exploration of individual solutions, system-wide improvements or integration and scenario modeling to collectively assess potential campus development.
Phase 4 - Synthesize & Document
The synthesis of interrelated planning solutions identified by the stakeholders as a cohesive, supportive campus and facilities response to the University's priorities and strategic direction. The Master Planning Team will prepare a final report summarizing the planning process, concepts, strategies, recommendations, and implementation phasing that will be used to guide the future of NKU.