The NKU Campus Master Plan process began in Fall 2019 and is guided by the initiatives defined in NKU’s Success by Design strategic plan.
The Campus Master Plan will align NKU’s strategic initiatives and mission with its physical environment. NKU selected Ayers Saint Gross, an internationally recognized architectural, planning and design firm, to develop and manage the master planning process. The firm specializes in master plans and building designs for higher education institutions, including Harvard University, Johns Hopkins University, Ohio State University and the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill.
The final NKU Campus Master Plan is scheduled for completion in November 2020.
NKU has established standing internal groups to guide the planning process:
The University has a strong history of master planning. The first Master Plan, completed in 1970 by Taylor, Lieberfeld & Heldman, Inc. of New York, recommended construction of a new campus to include 3,000 parking spaces and about 730,000 gross square feet of space for 5,700 students. Based on fall 2019 data, NKU has 15,687 students; 6,699 parking spaces and 3,717,992 gross square feet of space.
Many of the priorities outlined in the most recent master plan, competed in 2009, have been accomplished, including:
As a regional university located in a unique metropolitan area, NKU has great potential. How does Success by Design inform our planning? How do we align planning to meet future objectives? These are among the key questions the University faces as it begins this important planning process.
More information about the 1970 Master Plan as well as subsequent master planning efforts can be found here.