Bretons of France

Below are resources related to the “Bretons of France” chapter of Native Nations: The Survival of Indigenous Peoples, 3rd Edition, edited by Sharlotte Neely and Douglas W. Hume.

Agencies & Organizations

Discussion Questions

  • What is meant by the term “Celtic sea?”
  • Why do Celtic peoples see themselves as not being part of the “Great Tradition of Europe?”
  • What kinds of behaviors mark the Brittany Celts as unique?

Documentary Films

Further Reading

  • McDonald, Maryon. 1990. We Are Not French. Routledge.

Contemporary Breton People

Breton Traditional Headdresses
Traditional Breton headdresses from the Ar Vro Vigoudenn circle worn for the Grande Parade du Festical Interceltique de Lorient in 2009 (XIIIfromTOKYO [CC BY-SA])

Brittany Location

Brittany Location Map
Localisation du Duché de Bretagne en Europe (GwenofGwened [CC BY-SA])

Breton Ethno-historical Photograph

Breton Portrait
Portrait de femme et fillettes en costume breton (Brittany Museum [Public domain])

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