Yucatec Maya of Belize

Below are resources related to Douglas W. Hume's “Yucatec Maya of Belize” chapter of Native Nations: The Survival of Indigenous Peoples, 4th Edition, edited by Sharlotte Neely and Douglas W. Hume.

Agencies & Organizations

Discussion Questions

  • Explain the cultural changes that have occurred among the Yucatec Maya due to external forces on them. Have these same forces affected our own culture?
  • Describe the threats to Yucatec Maya cultural survival by outsiders in their recent history. Have these same forces affected our own culture?

Documentary Films

Further Reading

  • Barrera-Bassols, Narciso, and Victor M. Toledo. 2005. "Ethnoecology Of The Yucatec Maya: Symbolism, Knowledge And Management Of Natural Resources." Journal of Latin American Geography 9-41.
  • Clendinnen, Inga. 1980. "Landscape And World View: The Survival Of Yucatec Maya Culture Under Spanish Conquest." Comparative Studies in Society and History 22 (3): 374-393.
  • Field Reports and Other Publications 2013-date, Ethnographic Field School in Belize, Center for Applied Anthropology, Northern Kentucky University.

Contemporary Yucatec Maya People

San Pablo Cultural Day Dancers with Faustino Yam
San Pablo Cultural Day Dancers with Faustino Yam, Orange Walk District, Belize, Summer 2019 (Douglas W. Hume [CC BY-NC-ND 4.0])

Yucatec Maya Historical Range

Yucatec map
Map of Yucatec Maya speaking areas (Noahedits [CC BY-SA 4.0])

Yucatec Maya Contemporary Photograph

San Pablo Cultural Day Dancers
San Pablo Cultural Day Dancers, Orange Walk District, Belize, Summer 2019 (Douglas W. Hume [CC BY-NC-ND 4.0])

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