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Please read this message and then go to the On-line Student Evaluation Project web site On this site you can log-in to complete evaluations.
At the same web site, you may view a video of University Provost Gail Wells discussing the importance of evaluations and the Online Student Evaluation Project.
For full-term classes, students will be able to answer the evaluation questions (24 hours a day) from Monday, December 1st through Friday, December 12th.
Because the cross product is linear in the components, we can define it on the unit vectors in three space, and then deduce it using the component-wise definition of a three-vector.
Don't worry about the determinant stuff in these sections: we'll leave that to linear algebra! It's an interesting little side-trip at this point, but becomes fundamental in LA.
The nut is at the origin of our system, and we want to create rotation there. So is the vector from the nut to the position at which we apply the force (where our hand contacts the wrench).
How can you increase your torque?
How is it affected by the angle, vector , and vector ?
Notice that
satisfies the equation of the plane.