Class DraggablePoint

All Implemented Interfaces:
Draggable, InputObject,

public class DraggablePoint
extends Drawable
implements InputObject, Draggable

A DraggablePoint can be added to a DisplayCanvas, where it appears as a small disk, square, or cross. (The visual style is a settable property.) This object can be dragged with the mouse, within the limits of the CoordinateRect that contains the DraggablePoint. Either the x- or y-value of the point can be clamped to a specified Value. Typically, the y-value might be given by some function of the x-value. In that case, the point is constrained to move along the graph of the function. Or the x- or y-value can be clamped to a constant to make the point move along a vertical or horizontal line. Two Variables are associated with the DraggablePoint. These Variables represent the x- and y- values of the point. Each Variable implements the Tieable interface, so it can be synchronized with other Tieable values such as a VariableIput or VariableSlider.

See Also:
Serialized Form

Field Summary
static int CROSS
          A style constant that specifies the visual appearance of a DraggablePoint to be a cross.
static int DISK
          A style constant that specifies the visual appearance of a DraggablePoint to be a disk.
static int SQUARE
          A style constant that specifies the visual appearance of a DraggablePoint to be a square.
Fields inherited from class edu.hws.jcm.draw.Drawable
canvas, coords
Constructor Summary
          Create a DraggablePoint with default values for style, radius, color.
DraggablePoint(int style)
          Create a DraggablePoint with specified visual style.
Method Summary
 void checkInput()
          This method is required by the InputObject interface.
 void clampX(double x)
          Clamp the x-value of the point to the constant x, so that the point is constrained to a vertical line.
 void clampX(Function f)
          Clamp the x-value of the point to the function f, so that the point is constrained to move along the graph of x = f(y).
 void clampX(Value v)
          Clamp the x-value of the point to v.
 void clampY(double y)
          Clamp the y-value of the point to the constant y, so that the point is constrained to a horizontal line.
 void clampY(Function f)
          Clamp the y-value of the point to the function f, so that the point is constrained to move along the graph of y = f(x).
 void clampY(Value v)
          Clamp the y-value of the point to v.
 void continueDrag(java.awt.event.MouseEvent evt)
          Continue a drag operation begun in startDrag().
 void draw(java.awt.Graphics g, boolean coordsChanged)
          This method, from the Drawable interface, draws the point.
 void finishDrag(java.awt.event.MouseEvent evt)
          Finish a drag operation begun in startDrag().
 java.awt.Color getColor()
          Get the color used for drawing the point.
 java.awt.Color getGhostColor()
          Get the "ghostColor" of the point.
 Controller getOnUserAction(Controller c)
          Get the Controller that is notified when the user drags the point.
 int getRadius()
          Get the radius used for drawing the point.
 int getStyle()
          Get the visual style of the point, which must be one of the constants DraggablePoint.DISK, DraggablePoint.SQUARE, or DraggablePoint.CROSS.
 Variable getXVar()
          Get the variable that represents the current x-value of the point.
 Variable getYVar()
          Get the variable that represents the current y-value of the point.
 void notifyControllerOnChange(Controller c)
          Method required by InputObject interface; in this class, it simply calls setOnUserAction(c).
 void setColor(java.awt.Color c)
          Set the color to be used for drawing the point.
 void setGhostColor(java.awt.Color c)
          Set the ghoseColor to be used for drawing the point when it location is undefined or is outside the proper limits.
 void setLocation(double x, double y)
          Move the point to (x,y), then "clamp" the value of x or y, if a clamp Value has been set.
 void setOnUserAction(Controller c)
          Set the Controller that is to be notified when the user drags the point.
 void setRadius(int r)
          Set the radius that determines the size of the point when it is drawn.
 void setStyle(int style)
          Set the visual style of the point.
 boolean startDrag(java.awt.event.MouseEvent evt)
          Check whether a mouse click (as specified in the MouseEvent parameter) is a click on this DraggablePoint.
Methods inherited from class edu.hws.jcm.draw.Drawable
getVisible, needsRedraw, setOwnerData, setVisible
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait

Field Detail


public static final int DISK
A style constant that specifies the visual appearance of a DraggablePoint to be a disk.


public static final int SQUARE
A style constant that specifies the visual appearance of a DraggablePoint to be a square.


public static final int CROSS
A style constant that specifies the visual appearance of a DraggablePoint to be a cross.
Constructor Detail


public DraggablePoint()
Create a DraggablePoint with default values for style, radius, color. The point appears as a dark gray disk of radius 4.


public DraggablePoint(int style)
Create a DraggablePoint with specified visual style. Radius is 4, color is darkGray, and ghostColor is lightGray.
style - One of the style constants DraggablePoint.DISK, DraggablePoint.SQUARE, or DraggablePoint.CROSS.
Method Detail


public void clampX(Value v)
Clamp the x-value of the point to v. That is, if v is not null, then whenever the location of the point changes, its x-value is modified to v.getVal(). Note that if v is non-null then any clamp Value specified for y will be cleared since x and y cannot both be clamped.


public void clampY(Value v)
Clamp the y-value of the point to v. That is, if v is not null, then whenever the location of the point changes, its y-value is modified to v.getVal(). Note that if v is non-null then any clamp Value specified for x will be cleared since x and y cannot both be clamped.


public void clampX(double x)
Clamp the x-value of the point to the constant x, so that the point is constrained to a vertical line.


public void clampY(double y)
Clamp the y-value of the point to the constant y, so that the point is constrained to a horizontal line.


public void clampX(Function f)
Clamp the x-value of the point to the function f, so that the point is constrained to move along the graph of x = f(y). f must be a function of one variable.


public void clampY(Function f)
Clamp the y-value of the point to the function f, so that the point is constrained to move along the graph of y = f(x). f must be a function of one variable.


public int getRadius()
Get the radius used for drawing the point. The point's height and width are given by two times the radius.


public void setRadius(int r)
Set the radius that determines the size of the point when it is drawn. The point's height and width are given by two times the radius.


public void setStyle(int style)
Set the visual style of the point. The style should be one of the constants DraggablePoint.DISK, DraggablePoint.SQUARE, or DraggablePoint.CROSS. If it is not, then nothing is done.


public int getStyle()
Get the visual style of the point, which must be one of the constants DraggablePoint.DISK, DraggablePoint.SQUARE, or DraggablePoint.CROSS.


public Variable getXVar()
Get the variable that represents the current x-value of the point. (Note that this variable can be type-cast to type Tieable.)


public Variable getYVar()
Get the variable that represents the current y-value of the point. (Note that this variable can be type-cast to type Tieable.)


public java.awt.Color getColor()
Get the color used for drawing the point.


public void setColor(java.awt.Color c)
Set the color to be used for drawing the point. If the specified Color value is null, then nothing is done.


public java.awt.Color getGhostColor()
Get the "ghostColor" of the point. This color is used for drawing the point when its x-value or y-value is undefined or outside the range of values on the CoordinateRect that contains the point. (This can happen because of clamping of values. It can also happen if the limits on the CoordinateRect are changed.)


public void setGhostColor(java.awt.Color c)
Set the ghoseColor to be used for drawing the point when it location is undefined or is outside the proper limits. If the specified Color value is null, then nothing is done.


public void setOnUserAction(Controller c)
Set the Controller that is to be notified when the user drags the point. (The compute() method of the Controller is called.) If the Controller value is null, then no notification is done.


public void notifyControllerOnChange(Controller c)
Method required by InputObject interface; in this class, it simply calls setOnUserAction(c). This is meant to be called by JCMPanel.gatherInputs().
Specified by:
notifyControllerOnChange in interface InputObject


public Controller getOnUserAction(Controller c)
Get the Controller that is notified when the user drags the point. A null value means that no notification is done.


public void setLocation(double x,
                        double y)
Move the point to (x,y), then "clamp" the value of x or y, if a clamp Value has been set.


public void checkInput()
This method is required by the InputObject interface. In this case, it just applies the clamping Values if any are specified.
Specified by:
checkInput in interface InputObject


public void draw(java.awt.Graphics g,
                 boolean coordsChanged)
This method, from the Drawable interface, draws the point. It is not usually called directly.
draw in class Drawable
Following copied from class: edu.hws.jcm.draw.Drawable
g - The graphics context in which the Drawble is to be drawn. (The drawing can change the color in g, but should not permanently change font, painting mode, etc. Thus, every drawable is responsible for setting the color it wants to use.)
coordsChanged - Indicates whether the CoordinateRect has changed.


public boolean startDrag(java.awt.event.MouseEvent evt)
Check whether a mouse click (as specified in the MouseEvent parameter) is a click on this DraggablePoint. If so, return true, and start a drag operation. It is expected that the continueDrag() and finishDrag() will be called to complete the drag operation. This is only meant to be called from the checkDraggables() method in class CoordinateRect.
Specified by:
startDrag in interface Draggable


public void continueDrag(java.awt.event.MouseEvent evt)
Continue a drag operation begun in startDrag(). This is not meant to be called directly.
Specified by:
continueDrag in interface Draggable


public void finishDrag(java.awt.event.MouseEvent evt)
Finish a drag operation begun in startDrag(). This is not meant to be called directly.
Specified by:
finishDrag in interface Draggable