Class Drawable

All Implemented Interfaces:
Direct Known Subclasses:
Axes, DraggablePoint, DrawBorder, DrawGeometric, DrawString, Graph1D, Grid, MouseTracker, Panner, ParametricCurve, RiemannSumRects, ScatterPlot, TableFunctionGraph, VectorField

public abstract class Drawable
extends java.lang.Object

A Drawable object can be added to a CoordinateRect, which is itself in a DisplayCanvas. Its purpose is, generally, to draw something in the rectangular area represented by the CoordinateRect. The drawing can use information in the CoordinateRect, which includes both the real number coordinates and the pixel coordinates of the rectangular area.

See Also:
Serialized Form

Field Summary
protected  DisplayCanvas canvas
          The canvas on which this Drawable is drawn.
protected  CoordinateRect coords
          The CoordinateRect for the rectagular area where this Drawable is drawn.
Constructor Summary
Method Summary
abstract  void draw(java.awt.Graphics g, boolean coordsChanged)
          Draw this drawable in the graphics context g.
 boolean getVisible()
          Return true if this Drawable is visible, false if it is hidden.
 void needsRedraw()
          This routine should be called if the appearance of the Drawable changes so that the rectangular area that it occupies has to be redrawn.
protected  void setOwnerData(DisplayCanvas canvas, CoordinateRect coords)
          Sets the values of member variables canvas and coords.
 void setVisible(boolean show)
          Set the visibility of this Drawable.
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait

Field Detail


protected CoordinateRect coords
The CoordinateRect for the rectagular area where this Drawable is drawn. This is set automatically when the Drawable is added to a CoordingteRect and should not be changed. (It will be changed automatically if the Drawable is removed from the CoordinateRect.)


protected DisplayCanvas canvas
The canvas on which this Drawable is drawn. This is set automatically when the Drawable is added to a CoordinateRect and it should not be changed. (It will be changed automatically if the Drawable is removed from the CoordinateRect.)
Constructor Detail


public Drawable()
Method Detail


public abstract void draw(java.awt.Graphics g,
                          boolean coordsChanged)
Draw this drawable in the graphics context g. This is meant to be called only by the CoordinateRect, coords, that manages this Drawable. The coords contains information about the rectangular area in which this Drawable is displayed, both in terms of pixels and in terms of real (x,y)-coordinates. The value of coordsChanged is true if any of the values coords.getXmin(), coords.getXmax(), coords.getYmin(), coords.getYmax(), coords.getLeft(), coords.getRight(), coords.getTop(), coords.getBottom(), or coords.getGap() has changed. Drawables that depend only on this information can check the value of coordsChanged to see whether they need to update any previously computed member variables that depend on these values. This method is meant to be called only by the system.
g - The graphics context in which the Drawble is to be drawn. (The drawing can change the color in g, but should not permanently change font, painting mode, etc. Thus, every drawable is responsible for setting the color it wants to use.)
coordsChanged - Indicates whether the CoordinateRect has changed.


public boolean getVisible()
Return true if this Drawable is visible, false if it is hidden. A hidden Drawable is ignored by the CoordinateRect that manages it.


public void setVisible(boolean show)
Set the visibility of this Drawable. If show is false, then the Drawable is hidden. If it is true, the Drawable is shown.


public void needsRedraw()
This routine should be called if the appearance of the Drawable changes so that the rectangular area that it occupies has to be redrawn. The routine is generally meant to be called by the Drawable itself. It will notify the DisplayCanvas, canvas, that the CoordinateRect, coords, needs to be redrawn, where canvas and coords are the member variables in this class. If canvas is null, nothing happens, since presumably the Drawable is not displayed anywhere in that case.


protected void setOwnerData(DisplayCanvas canvas,
                            CoordinateRect coords)
Sets the values of member variables canvas and coords. This is designed to be called only by the CoordinateRect class.