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We will be focusing on Mathematica: because our department has the right to Mathematica and has chosen to emphasize it in coursework, and since you may obtain a personal copy as an NKU students, it seemed sensible to find a text that used Mathematica.
Hopefully you'll become adept at using Mathematica by the end of the course (if you're not already).
Your Mathematica projects will be outside projects for which you will be creating Mathematica notebooks to demonstrate some known techniques in Numerical Analysis to solve some simple problems. These may be "book-inspired", or some that I come up with. They may be group projects. We'll see!
Because we're focused on Mathematica here at NKU, it seemed sensible to find a textbook that used Mathematica in an integral way. It was not as easy as I'd hoped, because I also wanted something relatively inexpensive.
I found this text while searching for Mathematica-based texts. I was a little concerned because it's a little old, but I got in touch with one of the authors (Skeel), and discussed whether this text might be appropriate (a decade or so old can be a long time in proprietary software terms). He thought that it should do. So I elected to go with it.
I hope that it will be a good fit. It covered all the topics that I wanted to cover, and I like the parts that I've read so far. I like their approach to things. We'll see!
In particular, we'll need to watch out for out-dated Mathematica, and update as necessary. It will be useful if we keep a website with any updates of this kind. Please alert me, for the moment, until I get this set up.
Have you, in your mathematical careers, encountered any problems that cannot be solved exactly?
The last time I taught this course, one of the students correctly deduced that this class could be subtitled "How I learned to use (and love) the Taylor Series expansion". Pay especially close attention to that one!
Section 1.1 is a discussion of some of the reasons for which we are interested in doing numerical analysis. I'll leave that to you.
I'd like to begin with a few quotes from section 1.2, which I find remarkably astute and important to set the stage:
We're going to strive for perfection, but we need to do some cost-benefit analysis to see how close-to-perfection we're willing to pay for!
Applied mathematicians are fond of saying that "all models are wrong; some models are useful." That's the spirit to take into numerical analysis.
Now let's focus in on page 8, because there's some interesting stuff going on. Two kinds of computational errors:
Now let's talk tolerance versus "correct digits".
After talking it, we'll try the computational problem on p. 11