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In 2010, when the plant first applied for the license to build these two new reactors, the NRC wanted to know how the plant would stave off sea level rise in future decades. FPL did not mention climate change and used a 1-foot-per-century sea level rise projection in its calculation -- far less than NOAA's 5.6-foot worst-case scenario for 2100.
Here's the raw satellite data:
Here's the data corrected and modeled, from Climate-change-driven accelerated sea-level rise detected in the altimeter era, Nerem, et al. (2018):
"If sea level continues to change at this rate and acceleration, sea-level rise by 2100 ($\approx 65$ cm) will be more than double the amount if the rate was constant at 3 mm/y."
For the moment, however, we push on, using only the data that you have confidence in.
Let me start with a "where we are" with respect to these chains.
I talked about this in relation to the Galla people. Suppose we study a society whose class structure is Markovian. If we look at the census over time, we should see that the class distribution is stable -- with minor perturbation, due to small numbers, wars, etc. We can't tell exactly what its transition probabilities are from that, because different Markov matrices will have the same equilibrium distribution.
Last time we looked at a Mathematica demonstration of that; I've also made an InsightMaker version -- let's take a quick look at that.
However, if we can determine the rates, as Hoffmann indicated we might, by census, then we should see that, over time, the system oscillates (due to these stochastic effects) about that equilibrium distribution of states.
Now we're going to shift gears a little, and allow for those "wastebasket" states that we talked about last time: states from which, once the system enters them, there is no return.... Sounds pretty ominous! Let's call them absorbing states.
Eventually everyone ended up in the recovered class. This would therefore be the absorbing state.
The Markov music maker was also absorbing: there were certain notes, or chords, that led to "fin" -- the end. So if you hit those states, and roll the die just right, you're done composing! Your composition has been absorbed....
\[ \left [ \begin{array}{cc} {I_{m \times m}}&{0_{m \times n}}\cr {R_{n \times m}}&{Q_{n \times n}} \end{array} \right ] \]
We'll apply these ideas, and actually test the Markovian nature of tennis tournament finals!