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The Atlantic Ocean circulation that carries warmth into the Northern Hemisphere's high latitudes is slowing down because of climate change, a team of scientists asserted Wednesday, suggesting one of the most feared consequences is already coming to pass.
The Atlantic meridional overturning circulation has declined in strength by 15 percent since the mid-20th century to "a new record low," the scientists conclude in a peer-reviewed study published in the journal Nature. That's a decrease of 3 million cubic meters of water per second, the equivalent of nearly 15 Amazon rivers.
\[ R^2=1-\frac{SSE}{SS_{Tot}}=1-\frac{\sum_{i=1}^n(y_i-\hat{y}_i)^2}{\sum_{i=1}^n(y_i-\overline{y})^2} \] From day 11: "I was abusing a property of the linear model to attempt to compute $R^2$. This version is essentially comparing SSE across models, only, and reduces to the $R^2$ for the linear model."
The issue that gave rise to reconsidering this was that at least one group is finding negative values of $R^2$ in one town, when evaluating the global model. So "$R^2$" is a bit of a misnomer.... The maximum value of the $R^2$ above can never exceed 1 (and will be 1 when the model fits perfectly). It can be negative, however -- whenever the mean model $\overline{y}$ beats the alternative model, represented by $\hat{y}$.
Thank you, Maria M., for compiling those. I added a few of my own. Take a glance, and see of there are any that you feel have been missed. Then I'll get these on their way this afternoon.
Eventually everyone ended up in the recovered class. This would therefore be the absorbing state.
The Markov music maker was also absorbing: there were certain notes, or chords, that led to "fin" -- the end. So if you hit those states, and roll the die just right, you're done composing! Your composition has been absorbed....
\[ \left [ \begin{array}{cc} {I_{m \times m}}&{0_{m \times n}}\cr {R_{n \times m}}&{Q_{n \times n}} \end{array} \right ] \]
We'll apply these ideas, and actually test the Markovian nature of tennis tournament finals!
In place of that, however, I'd like to do an example of a classic Markov chain: the random walk. Random walks are extraordinarily important -- not because we randomly walk, but because molecules do, say, and pollen grains on the surface of a glass of water....
So I'll have you all take a crack at the following problem (you will probably want to reuse the Mathematica code for the Tennis example):
This is to be handed in next Friday, 4/20. You may work on it together.