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You're doing great: please continue to put MAT385 (and assignment info) in the subject line of your emails -- I am routing all messages using the tag MAT385. It helps, and is appreciated!
I'll also post some old exams, but you'll have to do some triage, because they may well have material on them that we haven't covered. So don't panic if you see something we haven't covered yet! I'll get those up soon, and put out a message to alert you.
As mentioned, I'll plan to "hand it out" during our class time, and give you an hour and a half to get it back to me. Let me know if that will be a problem.
I'm using zoom to record these, and they seem to be a little smaller (and I believe that the sound quality is pretty good).
Note: In this third part, I end up talking about finite Boolean algebras, and I misspoke -- calling $B$ the set of $n$ elements; $B=\mathcal{P}(S)$, where $S$ is the set of $n$ elements, and $B$ is the power set of $S$.
I've edited the final marked up copy of the highlights to reflect this.