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Try to use symmetry to make these beautiful, and to help you to see that you've got all the edges.
Every vertex is the same in a complete graph -- has the same degree, the same connectivity as every other.
Often in mathematics we're trying to formulate the correct (or best) analogy.
My point in the previous problem #3 is that one should try to create the best analogy -- and I think that in this case you want to continue to think about triangles!
Note that, although you are to draw some links and knots for this assignment, these will not be on the exam.
It will feature everything from Fibonacci and golden spirals on. In particular we learned a little of the Egyptian's mathematics (multiplication and fractions), then about symmetry, the Platonic solids, and more on graphs. Ending with planar graphs.
Make sure that you've done all the associated readings, since you'll see some questions about those as well.
Emmy asked: I would love one to be posted, maybe in two parts, just a general review video, a worksheet with a little bit from everything we've covered (and with maybe some questions from readings and stuff) with how it will be on the test, and then a second video reviewing the worksheet (so maybe we can do it and check our answers).