- It's Week 5: the weeks fly
by. This week we're featuring another analytic integration
technique, and then numerical integration (when all else
- I've graded your labs. Some of you did great -- everything by
hand, and confirmed with the Mathematica code. Some of you sort
of resubmitted my Mathematica code, and that's not really what
was desired....
As I said, I hadn't intended to give you my "key" answers, but
alas! I'll try not to do it again.
- Your Weekly homework #3 is due Wednesday. I pushed it back, because
I'm grading other things and can't get to it before then anyway.
- You have a new Weekly assignment #4.
- Snow days! Since Tuesday's lab was cancelled because the
University was closed, I considered having lots of people show up
Thursday. So I opened the floor for up to 8 of my Tuesday students to
come -- thinking that students would soon be pounding at my door to get
in! (Not...) And, in fact, no one pounded.
Nothing but the Sounds of
- So when we had the delay this morning, Prof. Wilkinson (who's lab
time was affected) told me that he was just planning on doing it
virtually, and making it extra credit. So that's what we'll do.
Here's the whiteboard
work we did, and the
video recording.