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Here is an example of a quiz that earned full credit. There were many.
In particular, how are they critical to the action?
Give at least two different possibilities, and decide if one is better in any way than the other.
They also suggested drawing the fish order for part 3, which was a great answer.
The problem is that 13 is prime, so isn't evenly divisible by any number less than 13.
Watch Dave Brubeck's leg, counting out the rhythm....
We could do the same kind of thing to get to 13/8, with say \[ 12-12-123-123-123 \] or \[ 123-123-123-12-12 \]
"If he succeeds in finding a pattern in prime numbers, he will hold the key to every computer in the world."
Is 481 prime? Demonstrate, if so; if not, find its prime factorization.
What's your first move? (After pulling out your calculator....)
An edge can even join a vertex to itself, which is called a loop in a graph.
Definition: If every vertex in a graph is connected to every other (different) vertex by a single arc, we call it a complete graph.
Each number, considered as a complete graph, encompasses all the numbers that go before it:
Let's draw \(K_7\) and \(K_8\):
That means that there's a unique path between any two vertices (which is not true for tetrahedron, because there are circuits in that graph).
Finley figured out that the number of arcs grows by the addition of the next integer, which is how the triangular numbers grow (and someone (Meghan?) came up with a formula):
Mathematicians are pattern seekers: we look for patterns, and then try to explain those patterns.
The problem of triangular numbers is related to another story, about a little boy who became the greatest mathematician of all time.... Carl Friedrich Gauss ("the Prince of Mathematicians").
The story is told in a different way in one of your reading assignments (Rock Groups).
I hope that you noticed the pretty geometric way of envisioning this in "Rock Groups", where the sum is the natural numbers from 1 to 10 (55):
Carl may have done it a different way, which I want to share.
Numbers (like squares), which can be represented by some geometric figure are called polygonal numbers. Another interesting example given in Rock Groups, are the perfect squares: \(n^2\) can be thought of as the sum of the first \(n\) odd natural numbers:
\(1+3+5+7+9\) | \(=25\) |
These mysterious properties are parts of the personalities of numbers. What's your favorite natural number's personality? If your favorite number is 36, then you're lucky: it's both square and triangular!
= 1 + 3 + 5 + 7 + 9 + 11 1 + 2 + 3 + 4 + 5 + 6 + 7 + 8 = |
But how might "primitive" people have counted? (Ernie's not primitive enough; neither is he a person.) You won't be surprised to learn that we will be using a tree to help us.
You make a note of whether there is a leftover sheep or not -- maybe you make a mark, like a "1" or a "0". This is all you have to do to communicate the number to the King!
But you must also pay attention to the direction in which you write the marks.
Let's see how we might use a tree to represent the solution to the "22" counting problem: we'll use a ternary tree (three children branch off of a parent, rather than just two -- as we've seen in the binary trees for prime factorization).
I say "Whoever's doing this..." -- I mean, "Whoever's doing this primitive counting...." This is presumably someone who doesn't know how to count -- at least not the way we do -- but they can tell if there's one left over (and write "1") or not (and write "0").
Notice that we eventually have a single sheep in a pen, and that's when we're done. We have to write a "1" for the final sheep, to indicate that there's "one leftover".
Then the answer will be written as 1, 0, 1, 1, 0. That is, from the bottom up, left to right. This is important! We have to have a consistent scheme for writing (or otherwise recording our results -- perhaps on a knotted string).
So how do we write
(Notice that, while there can be either a 0 or 1 at the right end, there is always the "1" on the left -- meaning the last sheep standing!
Can you rebuild the tree using these "tally sticks"? If so, you can get a job in the King's counting house.
But rather than count out fifty pennies, I'd make a stack of 10, then four more stacks of exactly the same height (one-to-one correspondence). Five stacks of 10 makes 50. This is a similar idea....
If you have a lot of pennies, you could divide them in half, count half, and then multiply by two. But if you have one left over, you'd have to add that one.
If the half is still too many to count, do it again (on half), and so on -- until you get to the point where you can count "the half" (like if it gets down to 1 coin, say!:).
Watch Dave Brubeck's leg, counting out the rhythm....