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The question in James Hansen's mind is whether it's accelerating or not. That's a mathematical question, in many ways.
So what is our government doing in the face of it? USDA orders removal of climate change mentions from public websites (and this is happening to the EPA, and will happen elsewhere....).
In particular, let's start at the identities section. Then you may choose a couple of the Questions to look at.
And there are other familiar-looking identities (but with some slight changes in the symmetries, as you may have noticed above in the derivative for cosh):
\[ \begin{align} 1 &= \cosh^2(x)-\sinh^2(x) \\ \sinh(x + y) &= \sinh x \cosh y + \cosh x \sinh y \\ \cosh(x + y) &= \cosh x \cosh y + \sinh x \sinh y \\ \end{align} \]