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I believe that I'm supposed to be able to see your work in Octave, if you've added yourself to my class. Stephanie, it seems that you've done that; but I'm not able to see your stuff, it seems....
We made plans to do this with an error of less than \(10^{-6}\) everywhere on the real line.
I want to show how the pursuit of one of those sets us up for our next topic: root finding.
There are several facets that I want to investigate from the text today, and then we'll do a few problems.
\(\alpha\) represents the rate at which a sequence converges, and bigger is better -- convergence is faster. And \(\alpha > 1\) -- or there is no convergence (see Crumpet 6).
Check out Table 1.4, on page 20: four sequences that converge to \(e\):
\[ d(p_{n+1}) \approx \alpha d(p_{n})-\log\left(\lambda|p|^{\alpha-1}\right) \] Notice that the term on the far right is independent of \(n\): it's just a constant. So ultimately, the increase in the number of significant digits at each iteration is \(\alpha\) times more.
Table 1.5 shows this very well.
But if \(\alpha = 1\), then all the increase in significant figures is in that \(\log\) term, and we'll see a constant number of digits added at each iteration. This slow rate of improvement is illustrated for the sequence \(q\):
"$\langle q_{n}\rangle$ should show each term having $-\log0.8\approx.1$ more significant digits of accuracy than the previous. More sensibly, this means the sequence will show about one more significant digit of accuracy every ten terms."
as our author asserts. This says that, if $\alpha>1$, the increase in significant digits is exponential; so it might better to express it this way: \[ d(p_{n_{0}+k})-C \approx(d_{n_{0}}-C)\alpha^{k} \] or \[ b_k \approx b_0 \alpha^{k} \] (This is the theme of Crumpet 7, but I'll do it using the "expand, guess, verify" method)
#1a, p. 29: Find the order of convergence for ${\displaystyle \left\langle \frac{n!}{n^{n}}\right\rangle \to0}$
#3, p. 29: Show that the sequence $p_{n}=2^{1-2^{n}}$ is quadratically convergent.
#8, p. 30: Use a Taylor polynomial to find the rate of convergence of \[ \lim_{h\to0}(2-e^{h})=1. \]