Ripley's K function

  • spatial
  • global
  • point-based
  • Indications/Recommendations for use: Ripley's K function is used to compare a point pattern with point patterns generated by known processes, e.g. a homogenous Poisson process.
    Description: A K function provides a summary of spatial dependence over a wide range of scales of pattern, including all event-event distances, not just the nearest neighbor distances. Additionally, the theoretical form of the function is known for various possible spatial point process models. Therefore, the function can not only be used to explore spatial dependence, but also to suggest specific models to represent it and to estimate the parameters of such models. (More)
    Test statistic: Ripley's K (or L) function:
    Null Hypothesis: That the K function does not vary significantly from the line y=x. Ho:
    Alternative Hypothesis: That there are scales at which the K function varies significantly from the line y=x. Ha:
    GeoMed Inputs: A point file (here's an example), composed of three columns: x, y, and status (ignored by this analysis); number of Monte Carlo simulations; spatial scale over which to calculate the function.
    GeoMed Outputs: GeoMed gives a plot of the estimate of L(h) at different values of h, and compares this to the line y=x expected under a homogenous Poisson model. An envelope obtained from the max and min L(h) estimates of a user-specified number of Monte Carlo simulations.
    Example Analysis Reference: Bailey, T. C. and A. T. Gatrell. 1995. Interactive spatial data analysis. Longman Scientific & Technical. Essex, England; pp. 90-95, 103-5.

    Website maintained by Andy Long. Comments appreciated.