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All students in Art & Design are required to meet with an advisor prior to registration each semester. A registration hold will be placed on student accounts until advising has been accomplished. This is to help ensure that all students understand the requirements to graduate and have quality time to get their questions answered. Please frequently check your NKU email account for advising information. After your first successful year at the university you will receive a faculty mentor advisor specific to your area of interest in visual arts.

Schedule an appointment with your assigned advisor through the Student Success Collaborative SSC system.

Schedule Advising Appointment Directions

To prepare for advising appointments students should:

Update your major, minor, and general education Degree Checklists

A checklist is a list of required courses for a specific area of study.
Students should use the checklist for their catalog year.You can find your catalog year on myNKU under My Records > Degree Requirements Catalog.

Read the Advising Syllabus

Academic advising is an educational process that byread more

Review the Student Preparation Instructions

It is your responsibility to get the most out of yourread more

Put courses in your Registration Cart

Registering for Classes

Art & Design regards advising as an evolving process in which advisor and student must work together to address concerns and answer questions. Advising involves much more than informing the student as to what courses to take. It inherently includes:

  • Active listening on the part of the advisor and advisee
  • Focusing your undivided attention on the advising meeting
  • Promoting individual worth and importance for the advisee
  • Building a mutually trusting relationship between advisor and advisee
  • Assisting the advisee in pursuing his/her goals and making concrete decisions that will produce desired results
