The plan of attack: we'll get through the first five
chapters, saving the next four for next semester. I hope that you'll
want to continue!
Assignments will be monitored on the
website. Keep checking on those so that you don't get surprised.
You should do the reading in advance of our discussion of
each section in class.
I generally have my students sign a classroom agreement. This class
is so small that I'm going to dispense with that, provided you
all agree verbally to the agreement. It's the spirit that I care about....
The Text:
This is a readable textbook.
I believe that you will be able to master the first 130 pages by the time the course is over.
For your first assignment:
Read pages 1-7 (up to functions)
Begin homework problems (due Friday, 9/2): pp 12--, #7, 8,
16, 20, and three other problems of your choice (please
choose interesting problems -- not just the easiest
A few notions to get us started:
Let's begin by considering this, our "Question of the day":
How do we know anything?
Associated question: How are words defined in the dictionary?
Website maintained by Andy Long.
Comments appreciated.