Day 04 in Mat360

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Website maintained by Andy Long. Comments appreciated.

how many base-10 digits of accuracy you have to the left of the decimal point.

An interval approximation for e:

One that showed 0, 1, or 2 for positions; we don't see a "2" here.

The figure illustrates two cases which won't work -- 1.44 and 1.45 -- each producing an interval beyond what the data support (the top line).

If not, and we must use 1.4, then another user would assume that we only know the 4 in the tenths place to within five units, and you can see what happens to the actual uncertainty -- it expands grossly, to the interval (0.9,1.9).

The speed of light in a vacuum.



and, in particular, when , i.e. when


Symmetrically, subtraction will suffer the problem when a and b are approximately equal.