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As a rule, please set that on the table, folded in half the long way, at the beginning of class.
Okay: we know that we're going to make errors. Even the Bible got wrong (
But it won't always be so simple as a botched calculation of characteristics of a circle (1 Kings 7:23). There are other sorts of errors we're going to make through the the necessity of approximations:
So, some important questions:
Our authors want to make sure that we are all on the same page with respect to errors, so we start with some definitions:
Our authors suggest that it is sometimes useful to have a name for the negative of the error:
Or, to turn things around,
However, "What we want is the error to be relatively small." (p. 15):
And our authors then note that, combining these relationships, that we can write
The "unit in the last place" is what we think of as the error when we look at an approximation, such as this approximation of e (= 2.718281828459045....):
obtained by truncation (losing .000000008459045....)
I might have rounded, instead:
In either case, I believe in my heart that the error I'm making is less than .00000001 (one "unit in the last place") in size. Notice that, by specifying "in size", I'm ignoring the sign of the number.
Question: put those two approximations and what I "believe in my heart" together, and what do you get?
As the authors say, "An error no greater than 0.5 ulp is always possible, but, as stated in Section 1.2, it is not always practical." In particular, we can get it down to a tenth of an ulp by moving to the next place value -- but that costs something.
Let's consider an example to discuss these two: Suppose that the true value is 1.2345, and that the approximate value found is 1.2346.
Using properties of logs, notice that
One of the things that the authors do in this section is discuss errors that we won't concern ourselves with: modeling errors, or programming errors, or hardware errors.
The errors they do care about they break into two types:
We don't provide as many decimals as we've obtained, say, in a table. I guess we won't worry about those, either (but, in reality, you need to). It's related to that question "how many digits do I give my answer to?" that students ask.... We don't have a good simple answer.
The authors make an amusing argument that just because we get error-riddled input doesn't mean that we can be sloppy. "It is best to treat the input values as exact and not make judgments about their accuracy or the morality of computing accurate answers to inaccurate problems." (my emphasis)
Data errors are propagated through further calculations (error propagation).
Let be an
approximation to datum
: then
caused by inaccurately computing f. Figure 1.8 is a good one to illustrate these various sources of error, and the discussion:
By the way, notice that if we add the errors we get
The total error is made up of the sum of the computational and data propagation errors.
The authors consider a case where a quantity x does not come to us as a value, but rather as a set of values:
How do we proceed?
Obviously we could do a computation for each value. However then our audience is going to ask us for an answer, and we're going to have a bunch (a set)! They may not be okay with that....
We could use some statistics to give an answer. We could use the mean of the set of potential values. But we want to avoid losing track that there was some variance in that input (and failing to warn the user at the output end).
We could treat the value as an interval (from lowest to highest data values), although we'd still have the problem of what to report.
Let's assume that the true value lies within the data range: we assume that x lies in the interval [1.399,1.491]. So now the question is, what value might we assign to x?
This section provides a reality check on the term "significant digits" -- "there is no consensus on what this means" -- and they provide an example which illustrates the danger of going with the notion that the least significant digit should be in error by at most 5 units in that place.
See Figure 1.9:
The question the authors ask (and answer) is this:
The authors give three examples of propagation of errors:
Ill-conditioned describes a problem that is sensitive to small changes in initial conditions; well-conditioned describes a problem that is insensitive to small changes in initial conditions.
We emphasize that, in this chapter, we are going to assume that the procedure itself is carried out exactly (e.g. square roots); the propagated error is simply a consequence of the procedure acting on error (not of how the procedure is implemented).
As examples, the authors consider the ordinary arithmetic operations (which are so-called "binary operations" (taking two inputs).
The first equation demonstrates the value of one of the equations we looked at last time: adding a and b, each with a little relative error, we get a sum which is in relative error by
so that
Imagine that there's no relative error in b. Then
Question: Under what conditions will this be much much greater (>>) than 1?
Let's take a look at an example where the errors cause trouble:
Interestingly enough, multiplication and division are robust ("well-conditioned") to data errors: performing a similar analysis (#3, p. 28), we have
so that
Again, imagine that there's no relative error in b. Then
Another way to simplify the analysis is to assume that the data errors are roughly the same size: then
So now let's talk about some unary operations (e.g. cosine, rather than the binary operations we just considered). Again, we're going to assume that computations are carried out precisely -- it's just data error propagation we're concerned with at the moment.
The example our authors consider is one of a function , given data
: then
Let's suppose that f is differentiable. If so, then we might make use of the Taylor Series Expansion. I told you earlier to expect it -- here it is, and it will occur over and over again.
and then
so that
which our authors call the relative derivative of at
, and the
condition number of
is the absolute value of the
relative derivative of
In particular, this works better and better as .
We can say, in particular, that the condition is directly proportional
to the derivative, and to the size of a; it's inversely
proportional to the size of .
Examples: compute the relative derivative of
I've got to say that I'm not a huge fan of interval analysis, in general. For example, in a problem exhibiting chaos, intervals can go haywire (source).
Interval analysis is well-behaved when the functions involved are monotonic (increasing or decreasing). But, as the authors illustrate, two different expressions for the same quantity can yield different intervals.
Think about the interval for
. If you just check the
endpoints, you get the single point 0.
And if a function is discontinuous, all hell can break loose!
"The main idea is that the computer works with a finite subset of the reals known as machine numbers." (p. 33)
I might have started this chapter with Figure 2.3, on page 41:
It gives a picture of machine numbers on a "toy binary computer". Section 2.1 makes a point about the need to consider other bases (other than 10). Among these other bases, the base 2 is probably the most important.
Question: why does base 2 figure so prominently in computer science?
There's a beautiful example here of how base 3 is used for tagging hogs:
Question: What other bases do you use? Why?
I've asked you to write a base converter for homework. Do you know how to convert from a one base to another?
Let's try a few. What's
In this section the authors describe the manner in which machines are stored in the computer. They focus on "floating-point numbers", which are represented by three parts:
Definition 2.1: A real number is said to be an n-digit number if it can be expressed as
Question: They then ask "What's an n-bit number?" (p. 39) What do you tell them?
Let's imagine that our machine has base-10 architecture, with
, and
. Then we know exactly which
numbers may be represented: numbers from
Largest magnitude numbers | -9.999x109 | +9.999x109 |
Smallest magnitude numbers | -1.000x10-9 | +1.000x10-9 |
If we allowed non-zero leading digits, then there would be redundant representations for many numbers (e.g. +1.000x10-9=+0.100x10-8)
Question: what do all the machine numbers look like if we restrict a machine so that it has architecture , and
Now, in reality, computations are usually done in base 2, and the IEEE standard for single precision and double precision are
Single | Double | |
Base | 2 | 2 |
n | 24 | 53 |
e | [-126:127] | [-1022:1023] |
Question: in each case, how many exponents are there in the exponent range? Of what significance is that number?
Our authors describe the difference between precision and accuracy at this point: I think that it's best done graphically:
"The purpose of rounding in computation is to turn any real number into a machine number, preferably the nearest one." (p. 43)
But there are different ways to do it. You're familiar with the "ordinary rounding" (but how do you handle ties -- that is, how do we round 19.5 to an integer?)). The authors suggest several strategies (p. 43)
"Round-to-even" because if nth digit is even, do nothing; add 1 if odd, making it even. All nth digits become even.
Same as Rule 1, except when exactly equal to 500000....
then round UP (away from zero).
Inferior to Rule 1, as ever-so-slightly biased away from zero.
Whatever comes after nth, just drop it.
Inferior to Rule 1, as slightly biased toward zero.
The biases are illustrated nicely in Figure 2.5, p. 45:
There is some vocabulary here with which we should be familiar: sometimes rounding results in
If not, and we must use 1.4, then another user would assume that we only know the 4 in the tenths place to within five units, and you can see what happens to the actual uncertainty -- it expands grossly, to the interval (0.9,1.9).
The speed of light in a vacuum.
and, in particular,
when , i.e. when
Symmetrically, subtraction will suffer the problem when a and b are approximately equal.