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You should probably go back and review the agendas in general, if you're not already doing that. They tend to contain pointers to what I think is most important.
Also make sure that you're attempting the assigned exercises. I'll make sure to include at least one on each quiz.
Consider the method of u-substitution, for example. That's just the chain rule in reverse.
We were working on one of those last time, but several of them could be worked that way. Let's convert the following to integrals we know how to do:
Here's a video clip of Fred Astaire and Ginger Rogers. They say Fred Astaire was pretty good (well, "the best dancer ever"); but Ginger Rogers did everything Fred did, only backwards (and in heels...). I especially like this moment.
Now the integral of a sum is just the sum of the integrals, so we can split up the two parts, and treat them separately.
This is the key: you've got two integrals, and you can trade one of those integrals you don't like for one that is more palatable....
\[ \int_{}^{}f(x)g'(x)dx = f(x)g(x) - \int_{}^{}f'(x)g(x)dx \] or \[ \int_{}^{}udv = uv - \int_{}^{}vdu \]
\[ \int \tan^{-1}(x) d x \]
The problem is that you might not see the other function in the product....