k-Nearest Neighbor test

  • spatial/temporal
  • global
  • region-based
  • Indications/Recommendations for use: When space-time interaction is present nearby cases will occur at about the same time, (space nearest neighbors tend to be time nearest neighbors), and the test statistic will be large (more).
    Description: A k-nearest neighbor method used to detect space-time interaction.
    Test statistic: The number of pairs of cases that are k-nearest neighbors in both space and time.
    Null Hypothesis: Whether cases are nearest neighbors in space is independent of whether they are nearest neighbors in time.
    Alternative Hypothesis: Nearest neighbors in space tend to be nearest neighbors in time.
    GeoMed Inputs: Space and time distances between pairs of cases.
    GeoMed Outputs: Results table includes:

      • k, the number of nearest neighbors being considered
      • Jk, the number of space-time k nearest neighbors
      • significance of Jk
      • DJk, the number of space-time nearest neighbors added when k increased from k-1
      • significance of DJk
      • p-values for the probability, under H0, of observing a statistic as large or larger than that observed and combined for the k tests in 3 ways:
          • Bonferroni
          • Simes
          • Statistical Distance

      • A linkage map
          • case locations are mapped
          • k-order linkages displayed as selected by user
    Example Analysis Reference:

    Website maintained by Andy Long. Comments appreciated.